

Operation Mobilisation

Operation Mobilisation (OM) is a Christian missionary organisation founded by George Verwer to mobilise young people to live and share the Gospel of Jesus.

OM Australia

We inspire and mobilise people to go and use their unique gifts and passions to share the life-changing Gospel in innovative ways.

OM International

We are a global community of Jesus followers, united to share God's love with those who don't know it.

Discover the impact you can have as a financial partner in the lives of Jesus followers sharing God's love among the least-reached people of the world.


我們愛因為神先愛我們. 加入耶穌跟隨者的全球社羣,一同分享上帝的愛 · 使命. 我們想要在少聞福音群體中,看到有跟隨耶穌基督而充滿生命力的社羣 · 「毫無疑問地,堅守耶穌 ...

OM Hong Kong


About OM HK

We host local and overseas short term mission trips with the aim of mobilizing believers to participate in cross-cultural ministries.


“We are on a mission to bring the gospel to the farthest corners of the world, fulfilling the Great Commission in this generation. There is no place too far, no ...

Christian Ministries | Mission for Sharing the Gospel

Sharing the gospel is a core aspect of Christian Ministries, and OM is doing that through vibrant communities of Jesus followers among the least reached.

Operation Mobilization: Mission Work

If you are exploring opportunities for Mission Work overseas or locally, we would love to connect. OM is awakening God's people to His purposes for the world.